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The Coordinator-General participated in a conference titled ‘The Future of Marriage and Family in the West,’ held in Washington, D.C.

The following is attributable to the Global Citizens International Movement Press Office:

Washington, DC | May 24, 2023

The Global Citizens International Movement Coordinator-General participated in the “The Future of Marriage and Family in the West” conference in Washington, DC, via video call.

For decades, industrialized nations have experienced a decline in the number of marriages and births. If this trend is not reversed, what implications would this have for Western Civilization? Does the government have an obligation to address this issue? If so, what policies are available, how effective are they, and what are the tradeoffs?

The Heritage Foundation has convened policy experts and social scientists to dialogue on these vital, complex questions to uncover their causes and explore potential solutions.

During the conference discussion panels, experts engaged in in-depth discussions on the following topics:
Panel I: What Drives Demographics?
Panel II: Can Government Policies Boost the Married Birth Rate?

The Hungarian Ambassador to the United States, Szabolcs Takács, presented a special presentation on Hungary’s pioneering policies aimed at promoting the Hungarian marital birthrate.

Hungarian government measures include preferential taxation and the provision of subsidies and loans to families with many children. At the same time, according to the Hungarian national authorities, stimulating fertility should help reduce the number of migrants in the country.

The Coordinator-General respectfully and sympathetically addresses the concerns of several experts regarding the number of Americans who want to emigrate from America. At the same time, potential emigrants, the motive for their desire, proclaim the loss of all traditional values in the United States, in their opinion. Russia is among the countries they have chosen to live in.

According to the Coordinator-General, the White House policy on family and marriage is not the main factor determining U.S. citizens’ motives for emigrating.

In the situation we are referring to and observing, Americans seek a better life for themselves and their children. Everything else appears to be a deliberate attempt to manipulate the situation.

In 2016, we saw similar trends, with the difference that the trigger for manipulation by Americans wishing to immigrate was Donald Trump. A significant number of Americans at the time expressed their desire to emigrate from the United States if Trump were elected president.

Successful residents of Germany bought 3 hectares of land on the outskirts of a Nizhny Novgorod village for construction. Currently, two families from Germany have already moved into the area.

The Coordinator-General is critical of recent information disseminated by Russian media about the alleged thousands of Americans and citizens of other countries who want to relocate to Russia.

Initiators, at first glance, seem to be humanitarian projects, as a rule, are former fellow citizens of foreign countries who have received the right to reside in Russia. It is they who, with the support of Russians interested in easy earnings, are trying to diligently manipulate the concept of family values with the sole purpose of extracting personal profit.

The above initiatives are primarily focused on achieving business objectives. They have nothing to do with the natural desire of people to initiate them under the guise of humanitarian projects to help people.

Tim Kirby is building an “American Village,” which will house 200 families, in Serpukhov District, Moscow Region.

The Coordinator-General draws the attention of all interested parties to the fact that against the constant collection of funds on central Russian television channels to help sick Russian children, taking ten foreign children of the same family to maintain the state is not entirely correct to Russian citizens.

I would like to believe that the national authorities of Russia monitor compliance with the legality of the initiators of such projects to prevent the deception of foreigners. Several Russian firms specializing in paid services to migrants have already joined this activity.

The Coordinator-General deems it necessary to alert the US Embassy in Moscow to safeguard the rights of US citizens wishing to obtain permanent residence in Russia.

Following the conference results, a letter of appreciation will be sent to Szabolcs Takács, Ambassador of Hungary to the United States, for his Government’s assistance to Ukrainians. The Hungarian Government has launched and successfully implemented the state program “Bridge for Transcarpathia.”

Furthermore, proposals will be presented to the Hungarian side regarding a humanitarian program to create a rehabilitation center in Hungary to provide medical assistance to Ukrainians.

The proposed collaboration with a Ukrainian charitable organization is envisaged as a critical element of the project’ implementation.

The Coordinator-General would like to thank the event organizers for the opportunity to participate in the panel discussion.

The Coordinator-General participated in the following events earlier:

Panel discussion with Ambassador Kenneth Braithwaite, a politician, and businessman.
From 2020 to 2021, US Secretary of the Navy.
From 2017 to 2020, the United States Ambassador to the Kingdom of Norway.

Panel discussion with Ambassador William Burns, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
From 2005 to 2008, the United States Ambassador to Russia.

Panel discussion with Ambassador Michael McFaul.
From 2012 to 2014, the United States Ambassador to Russia.

Panel discussion with Frank Kendall, US Secretary of the Air Force.
Panel discussion with Mike Lee, US Senator.
Panel discussion with Doug Lamborn, US Congressman.
Panel discussion | Canberra. The Australian Defence Force Academy.

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