Friday, July 5, 2024

We strongly condemn the measures taken by European countries to remove children from the families of Ukrainian refugees forced to flee to Europe as a result of military actions in Ukraine

The following is attributable to the Global Citizens International Movement Press Office:

The International Movement Global Citizens strongly condemns the measures taken by European countries to remove children from the families of Ukrainian refugees who were compelled to flee to Europe as a result of military actions in Ukraine.

We sincerely appreciate their tireless families, who demonstrate extraordinary strength, fortitude, and courage in the face of unimaginable trials. The pain they’re going through is beyond belief.

Ambassador Mark Gitenstein

We call upon Ambassador Mark Gitenstein, Head of the U.S. Mission to the EU, and Ambassador Fu Cong, Head of the Chinese Mission to the EU, to intervene without delay as a gesture of goodwill to resolve the legal controversy and settle the situation, taking into account the interests of all concerned.

Ambassador Fu Cong

A Global Citizens’ appeal to this effect will shortly be sent to the U.S. and Chinese Diplomatic Missions to the European. Ukraine’s officials will be informed of the steps taken by Global Citizens.

In Europe, 240 cases were reported where Ukrainian children were taken away by the social services of the countries where their families were. Source: Radio Liberty.

Previously, The Independent, citing the National Crime Agency (NCA), reported that individuals from the UK who perpetrated sexual assaults arrived in Poland under the guise of providing humanitarian aid to Ukrainian refugees, among whom were numerous children who were deprived of their parental support.

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