Friday, July 5, 2024

We must do everything we can to save the lives of people who are in mortal danger — Global Citizens

Commentary by the Global Citizens International Movement Coordinator-General in connection with the death of a British citizen in custody on the territory of the self-proclaimed entity "Donetsk People's Republic" in eastern Ukraine

July 15, 2022

The following is attributable to the Global Citizens International Movement Press Office:

Paul Ury, a British citizen who had been held captive on the territory of the self-proclaimed entity “Donetsk People’s Republic” in eastern Ukraine, passed away.

We express our heartfelt sympathy and support to Paul Ury’s family and friends.

Today, we must make every effort to stop this insane conveyor belt of death to avoid more casualties.

It is evident to an unbiased observer that one cannot help but see the dangerous consequences of the situation with the lifting of the moratorium on executions on the territory of the self-proclaimed entity “Donetsk People’s Republic” in eastern Ukraine.

In addition, there are concerns about the position of some British officials toward British citizens who are detained on the territory of Russia or the territory of the self-proclaimed entities in eastern Ukraine.

Convinced: the attempts made by some British officials to shift responsibility for the fate of British citizens to the Ukrainian authorities, whether they have dual citizenship or not, are unacceptable and not in the interests of British citizens detained on the territory of Russia or the territory of the self-proclaimed entities in eastern Ukraine, their families and the people of Great Britain.

Now more than ever, we need constructive support and cooperation from the United Kingdom and the United States politicians side to implement the activities of the International Civic Initiative “We’ll Bring Them Home Alive,” aimed at preventing further deaths and the return of citizens of foreign states who are in custody on the territory of the Russian Federation or the territory of self-proclaimed entities in the east of Ukraine, home, to their relatives and friends.

We are far from powerless in the face of all that is happening. There is much we can do and many concrete steps we can take to turn things around, save people’s lives and bring them home.

We are sending formal letters to all the nominees for Prime Minister of Great Britain, and we call on them to help the Global Citizens International Movement, which, through our International Civil Initiative “We’ll Bring Them Home Alive,” is focusing its efforts on:

  • Preventing the execution of death sentences imposed on foreign nationals in the territory of the self-proclaimed entity “Donetsk People’s Republic” in eastern Ukraine, regardless of the causes and circumstances of the events that led to this situation.
  • The release of British citizens detained in custody on a territory of the Russian Federation or territory of Self-Proclaimed Entities in eastern Ukraine and their return home to their families, regardless of the causes and circumstances of the events that led to the emergence of the present situation.

This comment was also sent to the diplomatic missions of the parties concerned for further attention by officials authorized to make decisions.

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