Thursday, February 20, 2025

Information is provided to family members whose relatives or friends are held in custody on the territory of Foreign States

The current edition of the Information for family members whose relatives and friends are detained in custody on the territory of the Foreign States or the territory of Self-proclaimed Entities, as amended and supplemented by the Global Citizens International Movement:

Tasks of the International Mediation Mission in Moscow;
Categories of individuals who are eligible to be part of the International Mediation Mission in Moscow.

The changes are being made in connection with the prisoner exchange between Russian Federation and Ukraine* on 22 September and the changes in the political situation in the world.

The deployment of the International Mediation Mission is carried out within the framework of the International Civic Initiative “We’ll Bring Them Home Alive,” implemented by the Global Citizens International Movement, which an announced-on September 11, 2021, the 20th anniversary of a series of terrorist attacks on the United States.

* The names of the states are given in English alphabetical order.

Archived Edition of Information.

The following is attributable to the Global Citizens International Movement Press Office:

Информация скоро появится в открытом доступе.

Архивное издание информации.

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