Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Global Citizens urged journalists to support the “Bring Them Home Alive” Initiative

The Movement appealed to Bloomberg, Reuters, and The Wall Street Journal to support the initiative “Bring Them Home Alive” and facilitate the beginning of a dialogue with the White House, members of the United States Congress, and other persons interested in returning to their homeland of US citizens deprived of their liberty in Russia.

Earlier, the Global Citizens sent letters to His Excellency Mr. Antony Blinken, Secretary of State for the United States, and His Excellency Mr. Sergey Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister, with a kind request as a goodwill gesture and guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and international law to support the efforts of the GCIM concerning a formation of the Permanent Mediation Mission in Moscow to find solutions allowing citizens of the United States of America deprived of liberty in the Russia and citizens of the Russian Federation denied of the freedom in the United States to return home to their families to their homeland, within the framework initiated by the GCIM, a civil international humanitarian initiative “Bring Them Home Alive.”

Appeals to support the initiative “Bring Them Home Alive” have also been sent for consideration to the United States Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy at the Department of State and the Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights.

The Global Citizens once again focuses the attention on the high sides:

The mediation status of the Permanent Mediation Mission in Moscow, delegation to the Mission individuals who have no official relationship to the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Russian Federation, acts as a safety mechanism and makes it impossible to cause reputational damage to the national authorities of the United States and Russia, regardless of the results achieved by the Mission.

The Global Citizens urges the White House and the Kremlin to support the initiative “Bring Them Home Alive” and facilitate the beginning of a dialogue, thereby making the utmost effort to end detainees’ plight and help them return to their families, to return home.

About initiative Bring Them Home Alive / “Let’s Bring Them Home Alive”

On the 20th anniversary of the series of terrorist attacks in the United States,  guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, reaffirming the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and recalling the International Covenants on Human Rights and other relevant instruments; Recalling United Nations resolution 65/283 of 22 June 2011 on strengthening the role of mediation in the peaceful settlement of disputes, conflict prevention, and resolution, which encourages and recognizes the critical part of the Good Offices of civil society actors active in mediation: The Global Citizens Movement initiates an unprecedented international humanitarian initiative in front of the American and Russian high parties regarding the formation of a Permanent Mediation Mission in Moscow to find solutions, allowing citizens of the United States of America deprived of liberty in the Russia and citizens of the Russian Federation deprived of the freedom in the United States to return home to their families to their homeland as part of the Bring Them Home Alive project.


About the category of persons whom, in our opinion, it is advisable to delegate to the interested parties involved in the implementation of the above-mentioned Initiative in the Permanent Mediation Mission in Moscow, participating in negotiations with the national authorities of the interested parties, as a third party:

a) Retired Ambassadors; *

b) Foreign human rights defenders, civil society actors working to protect human and civil rights and freedoms. **

*Persons must have work experience on the territory of Russia and is not in official relations with the governments of the United States or Russia.

** Persons must have work experience on the territory of Russia, not be in official relations with the governments of the United States or Russia, speak the language of the host state, have a certain amount of knowledge about the mentality and traditions of the Russian population, and are not citizens (subjects) of the United States or Russia.

It is also expected that representatives of the Movement (GCIM) initiating the formation of a Permanent Mediation Mission in Moscow, as foreign human rights defenders who meet the above criteria, will be part of the Mission.

In the context of the Movement’s commitment to Track Two Diplomacy as an effective tool for improving the effectiveness of efforts in the field of human rights protection, it is proposed to focus the dialogue on the Permanent Mediation Mission in Moscow, as an intermediary, with the Governments of interested parties to find solutions to the humanitarian problems faced by interested parties today, along the following lines:

  • These are issues related to the fate of the citizens of the United States of America deprived of their liberty in Russia and finding solutions to bring them home to their families to their homeland.
  • These are issues related to the fate of the citizens of the Russian Federation deprived of their liberty in the U.S.  and finding solutions to bring them home to their families to their homeland.
  • These are issues submitted to the Mission for consideration through a member of the Mission delegated by the relevant interested party involved in implementing the Initiative mentioned above.


Noting the Ukrainian Government’s appeal to U.S. President Joe Biden for help, these are issues related to the fate of the citizens of Ukraine deprived of their liberty in the territory of Russia, Crimea, Donbas (ORDLO), and finding solutions to bring them home to their families.


On Certain Aspects of Professional Ethics in the Activities of the Permanent Mediation Mission in Moscow

On the basis that the greatest threat to human rights internationally is the use of human rights for political ends that have nothing to do with legal or moral considerations, the activities of the Permanent Mediation Mission in Moscow, its delegated members, are initially non-public.

The dissemination and use of any information about the activities of the Mission and the issues under consideration, or the dissemination of this information in the public sphere or the media by persons delegated to the Mission, is inadmissible.

Dissemination of any information about the activities of the Permanent Mediation Mission in Moscow and the issues under consideration in the public sphere or the media by a person authorized by the Mission is permitted only by mutual consent of the American and Russian high parties.

Urge for interested parties and the international community to make the utmost effort to bring an end to the plight of detainees and help them to return to their families, to return home.

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Learn more about this topic

Dec. 1, 2021 | Global Citizens called on Democratic Party (United States) leaders to support the “Bring Them Home Alive” Initiative

Dec. 1, 2021 | Global Citizens called on Republican Party (United States) leaders to support the “Bring Them Home Alive” Initiative

Nov. 30, 2021 | Regarding Turkey’s statements on readiness to mediate between Ukraine and Russia

Nov. 25, 2021 | The Crooked Mirror: Who is really interested in Russia, that the detained by the American government citizens of the Russian Federation return home to their relatives and friends

Nov. 25, 2021 | The Crooked Mirror: Who is really interested in America, that the detained by the Russian government citizens of the United States of America return home to their relatives and friends

Nov. 21, 2021 | The Global Citizens appeals to Antony Blinken and Sergey Lavrov as a goodwill gesture to support the efforts of the Movement and to bring an end to the plight of detainees and help them to return to their families, to return home

Nov. 16, 2021 | Global Citizens appeal to the United States Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy at the Department of State for assistance and support of the initiative regarding the formation of a Permanent Mediation Mission in Moscow

Nov. 10, 2021 | Global Citizens appeal to the Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights for assistance and support of the initiative regarding the formation of a Permanent Mediation Mission in Moscow

Oct. 28, 2021 | The Global Citizens appeals to Mr. Ambassador Burns for assistance and support

Oct. 22, 2021 | The Movement Coordinator took part in the event: discussion with C.I.A. Director William Burns

Oct. 19, 2021 | The Global Citizens appeals to Dr. McFaul for assistance and support

Sep. 15, 2021 | Calling on the Holy See to make the utmost effort to bring an end to the plight of detainees and help them to return to their families, to return home

Sep. 11, 2021 | Statement by the Global Citizens Movement in connection with initiating a civic international humanitarian initiative, which aims to a formation of the Permanent Mediation Mission in Moscow to find solutions that allow United States of America citizens deprived of their liberty in Russia and Russian’s Federation citizens deprived of their liberty in the United States to return home to their families


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