Saturday, July 6, 2024

On behalf of the Global Citizens, I would like to express our gratitude to Express Technologies Ltd. for providing highly professional assistance

The Global Citizens International Movement's Press Office would like to provide the following information:

The Coordinator-General of the Global Citizens International Movement has sent a letter of gratitude to the management of Express Technologies Ltd.

It is our great pleasure to say that Express Technologies Ltd. has been fully recognized as a leading global player in information protection, privacy, and online security. Many expert opinions and rigorous technical audits have validated this esteemed position.

The letter states, in part:

“On behalf of the movement, I have the honor to express gratitude for your invaluable support for Global Citizens over the past two years.

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to the activities of our movement and its initiative, ‘We’ll Bring Them Home Alive.’ This initiative deserves special attention, and I would like you to hear more about it.

The above initiative aims to release and return foreign nationals detained in prisons in Russia, the United States, and other countries to their families.

At the same time, we recognize the importance of ensuring that foreign nationals held in prisons in the United States and Russia, as well as their families and friends, are not used as tools for political agendas by either the United States or Russia.

Moreover, in light of the current heightened tensions between the United States and Russia, it is essential to maintain channels for regular dialogue regarding the release of foreign citizens held in prisons in Russia, the US, and other countries. This must be done without creating unnecessary political obstacles.

We are particularly concerned about the state of affairs on the Ukrainian track. According to official statements by the Ukrainian side, Ukraine does not know about the majority of citizens held in Russian prisons. It would appear that, according to unofficial Ukrainian data, approximately 28,000 Ukrainian citizens are currently incarcerated in Russian prisons. Furthermore, the Ukrainian ombudsman has indicated that there are also 2,000 Ukrainians aged over 65 among those held in Russian jails.

Taking into account the above circumstances, the Global Citizens International Movement believes that the most effective way out of the current impasse may be to involve a third party in the implementation of an initiative that would provide good offices for initial communication with the Russian authorities to resolve organizational issues and launch an international mediation mission in Moscow.

We are considering the possibility of selecting and contacting a third party interested in ensuring the reunification of foreign citizens detained in Russia, the United States, and other countries.

We would be very grateful if all of us could do our part to ensure that prisoners can return to their families and friends as soon as possible.

We would be very grateful if everyone could do their part to ensure that the families of prisoners are not subjected to constant mental anguish and suffering caused by the imprisonment of a family member in a foreign country”.

Getting back on topic

CNN. Thousands of Ukrainians have been sent to Russian prisons. Ukraine says they’re being held as bargaining chips

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