Воскресенье, Октябрь 6, 2024

Climate actions of Governments that are not anchored in a human rights-based approach risk further violating human rights

Coordinator |  The rule of law and justice legitimize the actions of Governments, securing dignity, security, and prosperity for all citizens, without any distinction.

Today’s children and young people have inherited a world they did not contribute to shaping, and whose future largely depends on the decisions and actions of Governments and other stakeholders.

It is unacceptable when countries’ natural resources, including precious minerals and cash crops, have been diverted to finance the purchase of weapons and hire mercenaries for governments’ destructive, immoral actions against their people or the people of neighboring countries.

In this context, swift actions of Governments are needed if they are to exploit more fully the scope for international cooperation to render policy more effective in serving those concerned about security, be it financial, food or energy.

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