Воскресенье, Октябрь 6, 2024

Global Citizens объявляет о запуске международной гражданской инициативы "Вернем их домой живыми"

Statement | Regarding the search for solutions to enable citizens of the United States of America deprived of their liberty by the Russian Government and citizens of the Russian Federation deprived of the freedom by the United States of America Government to return home to their families

Global Citizens объявляет о запуске международной гражданской инициативы" Вернем их домой живыми". В рамках инициативы предполагается создать постоянную посредническую миссию в Москве для поиска решений по освобождению граждан США, находящихся под стражей в России, и российских граждан, находящихся под стражей в США или на территории третьей страны по запросу американских компетентных органов.

Executive Office of the Global Citizens
Global Movement Coordinator
September 11, 2021                                                                   

Original: English


Global Citizens | International Movement,

Guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, reaffirming the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and recalling the International Covenants on Human Rights and other relevant instruments,

Recalling United Nations resolution 65/283 of 22 June 2011 on Strengthening the role of mediation in the peaceful settlement of disputes, conflict prevention, and resolution, which encourages and recognizes the critical role of the good offices of civil society actors active in mediation,

Welcoming the Biden-Harris Administration’s continued commitment to human rights, democracy, and the rule of law, to efforts to promote freedom and justice throughout the world,

Welcoming also Russia’s position at the 76th session of the UN General Assembly of its readiness to cooperate with all relevant non-governmental organizations,

Expressing serious concern about the situation and the future fate of American citizens deprived of their liberty on the territory of Russia and about the situation and the future fate of Russian citizens deprived of their liberty on the territory of the U.S.,

Declaring that it is the primary responsibility of each State to respect, promote and fulfill human rights, and to ensure the full enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms of its entire population,

The Global Citizens Movement presents its compliments to all interested parties in the two world capitals: Washington and Moscow and, based on the above positions, has the honor to bring to their attention the following:

Reaffirming its commitment to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and international law, which are indispensable foundations of a more peaceful, prosperous, and world, and reiterating its determination to foster strict respect for them and to establish a and lasting peace all over the world, the Global Citizens, initiated before the two interested parties the USA and Russia an unprecedented international humanitarian initiative, which aims to create a formation of the Permanent Mediation Mission in Moscow to find solutions that allow United States of America citizens deprived of their liberty in Russia and Russian’s Federation citizens deprived of their liberty in the United States to return home to their families.

Global Citizens | International Movement:

1. Calls upon all interested parties in the two world capitals: Washington and Moscow, capable of contributing to a final solution and creating the momentum necessary to find solutions that allow United States of America citizens deprived of their liberty in Russia and Russian’s Federation citizens deprived of their liberty in the United States to return home to their families as a goodwill gesture by the United States and Russia to support the Global Citizens Movement’s Model for Resolving the Situation and to and promote the beginning of inclusive dialogue.

2. Notes that despite all serious efforts made by the USA and Russia to resume negotiations to achieve the well-known and internationally recognized goals of the peace process, a just and lasting solution to the issue of the release of USA and Russian citizens deprived of their liberty, unfortunately, remains far from being achieved;

3. Stresses that due to the current circumstances, the USA and Russia must achieve certain conditions of this political deal while avoiding independently defending these conditions;

4. Thinks: In such circumstances, Good Offices by persons who have work experience on the territory of Russia, from the category of former diplomats and foreign human rights activists, civil society actors that work to protect human rights, must be needed more than ever and encouraged by all concerned to break the current deadlock and work toward an early resumption permanently of the negotiation process in Moscow, until the full settlement of all humanitarian issues by interested parties;

5. Kindly asks as a goodwill gesture:

Members of the U. S. House of Representatives and Members of the U. S. Senate together with interested persons in Washington to support the proposed Global Citizens Model and to assist in the formation of part of the composition of the Permanent Mediation Mission in Moscow from the United States of America from the category of persons* mentioned above: Global Citizens will shortly send an official appeal on this subject;

Members of the State Duma of Russia   and Members of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of Russia together with interested persons in Moscow to support the proposed Global Citizens Model and to assist in the formation of part of the composition of the Permanent Mediation Mission in Moscow from the Russian Federation from the category of persons* mentioned above: Global Citizens will shortly send an official appeal on this subject;

His Excellency Mr. William Burns, U.S. statesman and, without exaggeration, an outstanding diplomat of our time, with tremendous experience in Russia, together with interested persons in Washington to support the proposed Global Citizens Model and to assist in the formation of part of the composition of the Permanent Mediation Mission in Moscow from the United States of America from the category of persons* mentioned above: Global Citizens will shortly send an official appeal on this subject;

* These persons should not have an official relationship with the Government of the relevant interested party involved in these efforts.

a) Retired Ambassadors;

b) Foreign human rights defenders, civil society actors working to protect human and civil rights and freedoms (these persons must have experience working on the territory of Russia in the field of human rights protection, in the conditions of today’s Russian realities, speak the language of the host state; these persons should not be citizens of Russian Federation and the United States of America).

6. Recognizes that the implementation of the proposed Model is possible only with the goodwill of the United States and Russia, and once again calls upon all interested parties in the two world capitals: Washington and Moscow, capable of contributing to a final solution and creating the momentum necessary to find solutions that allow United States of America citizens deprived of their liberty in Russia and Russian’s Federation citizens deprived of their liberty in the United States to return home to their families as a goodwill gesture by the United States and Russia to support the Global Citizens Movement’s Model for Resolving the Situation and to and promote the beginning of an inclusive dialogue;

7. Calls also urge individuals, when considering the Notice of this Initiative: to rise above their personal desires, beliefs, and preferences, and to become part of a human society where human life is the highest value;

8. Does not allow and rejects any attempts by the international community to politicize the civil initiative and give it a political color. Compassion and humanism of the future fate of people deprived of their freedom should rise above politics;

9. Also requests the media and individual journalists to support the civil initiative and make efforts for further transmission of information about the initiative to its high destination;

10. Decides to send Notice of this Initiative to all interested parties, through embassies in their capitals and other available communication channels;

11. Decides also that the two official languages of the United Nations English, and Russian, are the working languages of the Initiative.

For reference.

In the context of a commitment of Track II Diplomacy as an effective tool for enhancing human rights efforts, proposes that the Mission’s dialogue in Moscow, as a mediator, with interested parties’ governments to find solutions to humanitarian problems that interested parties are faced with today focused along the following lines:

These are issues related to the fate of U.S. citizens deprived of their liberty in Russia and finding solutions to bring them home to their families.

These are issues related to the fate of Russian citizens deprived of their liberty in the U.S.  and finding solutions to bring them home to their families.

These are issues submitted to the Mission for consideration through a member of the Mission delegated by the relevant interested party.


Expressing serious concern about the situation and the future fate of Ukrainian citizens deprived of their liberty on the territory of Russia, Crimea, Donbas (ORDLO) and Noting the Ukrainian Government’s appeal to U.S. President Joe Biden for help on the issue of the resumption of the negotiation process about the release of citizens of Ukraine deprived of liberty on the territory of Russia, Crimea, Donbas (ORDLO), these are issues related to the fate of Ukrainian citizens deprived of their liberty on the territory of Russia, Crimea, Donbas (ORDLO). 


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