Воскресенье, Июль 7, 2024

Вернем их домой живыми

We will not cease our efforts until we have successfully returned every individual who has been held hostage or unlawfully detained

We welcome the release of five U.S. citizens from custody in Iran as part of a prisoner exchange between Washington and Tehran brokered by...

Obtaining Saakashvili’s right to life will be a moment of clarity regarding the future political strategy of both the Government and the Opposition forces...

Заявление Генерального Координатора Global Citizens в связи с подготовкой обращения в адрес национальных властей суверенного государства Грузия о предоставлении возможности международным защитникам прав человека Движения посетить Грузию

We appeal to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to support the efforts of the Movement to release and return home those detained in custody on...

We call on H.E. Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of Turkey, to support the efforts of the Movement to release and return home those...

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